Multiple Trust Services Win Accolades at HSJ Awards

A wide range of ELFT teams and services have been recognised as both finalists and winners for a range of prestigious Health Service Journal (HSJ) awards in recent months.
The HSJ Value Awards 2021 took place in September A special congratulations has to go to the City & Hackney Specialist Psychotherapy Service, winners for the category of Digital Clinical Transformation for their work to create A Digital Recovery Platform for Severe Mental Illness. The team were also Highly Commended by the judges in two other categories - The IT & Digital Innovation Award and the Mental Health Service Redesign Initiative.
The City & Hackney team worked with their partners in the local ICP, North East London CCG, The Advocacy Project and Core Arts and Sport to make this project a success.
On this unprecedented round of accolades for the borough’s Specialist Psychotherapy Service, Trust CEO Paul Calaminus said:
"This is quite a remarkable achievement and goes to demonstrate the calibre of staff working for ELFT. The work the service put in to support service users in Hackney during this most challenging year has rightly been seen by the HSJ judges as outstanding.”
Another HSJ Value Awards win was the collaboration that made The Darzi Seeds of Change Project for the People by the People.’
ELFT's Tower Hamlets Recovery College played a key role in the project. Jessica Prakash, Recovery College Manager said:
"The Darzi Seeds of Change Project is pioneering in terms of how it brings both clinicians and the community together to create change."
You can read more about the project in Trust Talk here.
The Newham Perinatal Service were another team of ELFT finalists in the Mental Health Service Redesign category, for their work on Transforming the Intensive Care Pathway.
Elsewhere in September, both the City & Hackney Mental Health and the Forensic Services were finalists at the 2021 HSJ Patient Safety Awards for their quality improvement work.
To make it through as finalists in this tough and highly competitive process is an accolade in itself. To qualify, every entry has to impress a wide range of judges, all top healthcare professionals from across the UK.
The City & Hackney team were recognised for their work in pioneering COVID-19 secure bundle to support the safety of both service users and staff.
The Forensic Services was shortlisted for the Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year Award, for their improvement project on sexual safety.
For a full list of national entries, including all the winners visit the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2021 and the HSJ Value Awards.