Sustainability Update

Reducing our carbon footprint and being 'greener' is an important area for ELFT. Our Estates and Facilities team are always looking at steps to achieve this in lots of different ways. Adam Toll, ELFT's Energy, Sustainability & Environmental Manager notes:
"Small measures can go a long way to reduce the burden we all put on the planet. Organisations like ELFT are no different. See the list below to get an ideas of the range of sustainability initiatives underway in the Trust.”
We are currently at the planning stage for a new therapy/greenspace initiative pilot project at the John Howard Centre (JHC) in Hackney. Service users and staff will have access to gardening, planting and growing facilities to help not only with therapy but also with an emphasis on carbon capture planting around the JHC and The Lodge which is on the same site.
We have commissioned a new in-depth look at ALL Trust Co2 emissions, capturing procurement, staff travel and contractor indirect emissions will be completed by the end of May. Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions included
A new Carbon Reduction Plan to highlight our journey to net zero by 2040 will be completed by June
We have a plan to decarbonize the estate by removing gas-fired boilers and replace with electric heating is in the planning stage.
A new waste contractor has been appointed with expected carbon emission reductions of 20% expected due to improved recycling, waste reduction and waste treatment processes
New LED lighting installation are planned at sites in Bedford and Luton this year: Oakley Court, Townsend Court, The Poplars and Whichellos Wharf
New secure cycling storage has been installed at Charter House, Primrose Resource Centre and Newham Centre for Mental Health. Next up will be York House (385 Barking Road) in Newham and Twinwoods in Bedfordshire - planned in next few months. Two additional sites will also have cycle storage before the end of financial year.

Phase 1 of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging point installations is due to commence this year with 12 sites prepped and ready for EV charge points. (Photo: Mike from Pexels)
We are working with Knowles, our car-leasing provider, to change all Trust owned or leased vehicles to either hybrid or full electric over the coming year.
ELFT Climate Crisis Declaration due to be announced in May
We will be working closely with other Anchor* organisations to see how local boroughs, trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups can work together to deliver impactful change in carbon reduction. This will take the form of advice on projects, combining resources for EV charging point location through to potential interactive map, marketing and communication opportunities.
We are in the initial stages of an onsite renewables projects at the John Howard Centre and Newham sites to generate electricity directly at site, to reduce costs and transmission emissions.