Return to the Workplace

Whilst many staff have continued to work in the usual way on wards, in centres and undertaking visits where people live, many staff were asked to stay at home and work remotely, full-time or part of the time if their role allowed this. This was in line with Government guidance, and because it was safer and their work could be carried out effectively at home.
We have continued to request that staff in roles that can be done remotely, continue to work in this way for the moment. An ELFT road map has been developed setting out a measured way for staff to return to the workplace. It sets out guiding principles as each area of the Trust will have different needs. The roadmap will be supported by webinars for managers to understand responsibilities, determine service requirements and raise questions.
But we have learnt a great deal during the pandemic as we quickly adapted to remote working last year. The intention is to hold on to processes that worked, that were efficient, and proved to be more effective. Agile working was being gradually introduced in the Trust. The pandemic has accelerated the transition so we will be reviewing how and where staff work on a case by case basis.